Irrigation equipment quote for drip irrigation In Tanzania

Irrigation equipment quote for drip irrigation In Tanzania

Pumping station in Vedoko  Benin Interhydro

Pumping station in Vedoko: Benin

Projects carried out in Benin by INTERHYDRO: pumping station in Vedoko
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Air purge valve

Air purge valve

The air purge valve is a system that allows the evacuation of air at a calibrated flow rate. It allows to limit as...
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Supply of plunger valves in Algeria

Specific valve

Plunger valve Device allowing to reduce the pressure or to regulate a flow rate with a very high precision and...
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 Hydropneumatic anti-waterhammer in Rwanda

Hydropneumatic anti-waterhammer

The hydropneumatic anti-waterhammer is used to absorb water hammer in transitory regimes. Characteristics...
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Water treatment

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To purchase drinking water connection parts to the in Tanzania, for equipment for hydro-agricultural development or a water pH test kit: contact the specialized supplier INTERHYDRO !

Beyond the supply of equipment and material for water (dam, pumping, irrigation, connection, treatment, sanitation, supply, etc.), we are able to advise you concerning the logistics of your project or the monitoring of your site.

To find out more or receive a tailor-made quote, contact us !

Our area of ​​activity for this service

Irrigation equipment quote for drip irrigation